English Language

1. An Informative Report
This was a Performance Task assigned to all Secondary 1 students in Term 3 when they learnt the topic "Information Report". In this group work, students were tasked to demonstrate their understanding on the features of "Information Report" by identifying one aspect of the school to report on, e.g. "Learning using ICT", "Infrastructure" and "Flora and Fauna".
- Poster done by Mason Sim, Kevin Teng, Charmaine Tan & Deepika Babu

2. Writing Good Captions 
Illustration from Class English Blog (2011, S1-04)
Working in pairs, students discussed to provide a caption to a photo using the general guideline they learnt in the lesson. They posted their captions in the slide of the photo they are assigned to in a shared presentation. They then did a 'virtual' gallery walk to provide feedback to their peers before the teacher provided feedback to conclude the activity.

Link to the shared presentation:

3. "Descriptors" in Context
In this activity, students wrote poems that focused on describing the sounds of a particular action, event or scene. They then post the poem in wordle to generate a visual representation of poem, which highlighted words that were emphasized in the writing. On top of this, peers who view the visual could also learn next adjectives related to the given context.

Example: Factory
Wordle: Factory